Agnitron Technology Wins Competitively Selected DoD Contract
LED Patents Monopolize III-Nitride Technology
June 10, 2013 From April 2012 to late March 2013, roughly 350 [...]
Cause of LED Droop May Be Explained
Auger recombination could be responsible for the LED droop phenomenon [...]
Hybrid Silicon Prepares To Displace InP Photonic Chips
Will hybrid silicon be the platform of choice for complex [...]
U.S. PVMC and NREL to partner on development of thin film PV cells and modules
The U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC), an industry-led collaboration headquartered [...]
Long Predicted Atomic Collapse State Observed in Graphene
The first experimental observation of a quantum mechanical phenomenon that [...]
Researchers design HEMTs with increased breakdown voltage at high temps
6 March 2013 Air-bridge to improve field-plate performance for nitride [...]
Compound Semiconductor Award Winners 2012
Leading III-V chipmakers, first-rate toolmakers and the most innovative start-ups [...]
Student Innovator at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Seeks Brighter, Smarter, and More Efficient LEDs
$30,000 Lemelson-MIT Collegiate Student Prizes Awarded to Inventive Students at [...]
Blueglass Grows Low temperature p-GaN with RPCVD
Bluglass Produced p-GaN Films that Meet Industry Benchmark for the [...]
Agnitron Technology Announces III-N HVPE System
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Agnitron Technology Announces III-N HVPE System February [...]
Agnitron Technology Receives Order From Startup For Customized MOCVD System
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Agnitron Technology Receives Order From Startup For [...]